Father and Son{Mr. C and LittleZ at 3 months old}


May the God of Israel grant you what you have asked him. (1 Samuel 1:17)



I think we’ve been there before.  We see someone who we love suffering, and we try everything that we can do to end their suffering, but nothing seems to work.  At the very end, we know that we cannot do anything else for them, and we intercede for them.  We offer up a prayer for them.

We all have loved ones who sometimes are in a dark place. But we are reminded that we shouldn’t go to God as a last resort, we should go to him first and lay our problems on His doorstep.

A few years ago, if you were following me, I was in a dark place, I was trying to understand a situation that happened to me.  I still don’t understand it, but it took a long time for me to come to terms with it.

Like Hannah, I offered up my prayers to God, and I had to just let go.  When I did that, I felt like a burden was lifted, and I knew my sorrow and prayers were heard.  I was able and ready to move on, because I knew God was at work.

The picture above is proof of that.  Even my darkest moments, I have a husband who supports me, a daughter who loves me endlessly, and I was blessed with a son who feels I am his world (at least for now).

Through pain, there’s love.

Let us offer this prayer for a friend in need:

Lord, our friend  have gone though a bad situation that only you can fix.  You have the power to work wonders, and to heal the sick.  We ask Lord, that you hear our prayers for our friend who is going though a hard time, and remind them that they are not alone.



