With the pull of television, and things that called for my attention, I found it hard to sit down and just read The Book.

So instead of snuggling up with just one Bible in my home, I used to go out and search of the “perfect one.”  Over the course of many years, I have owned many copies, of many different versions and translations.  

Desperately searching for the one that made sense to me.

bible reading, studying, catholic, christianity

Because, the way that I saw it, if I had the Good Book in my hands but didn’t understand it completely, then how was I to learn from it?  How was my relationship with God supposed to grow?  

How was I going to appreciate everything that Christ did for me if I cannot understand the words on the page?

You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me, yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life. — John 5:39-40

You see in all my searching for the perfect words so that I could understand the scriptures in order to be close to God; it didn’t occur to me that I needed to go to Him first to truly understand them.

I was looking for answers, but not going to the main source to find them.

I used to search for the perfect words.

Now I realize that it was not my eyes that needed to read the words, but my spirit.


Dear Lord, please help us grow in spirit with you.  Let us open our hearts to receive you completely so that our spirits can translate Your words to our hearts.



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