Sunday Prayer: Parenting

Dear Lord, Please grant us the wisdom to handle our children when they step out of line. Not every situation is what it seems. Help us share in their joy and triumphs over difficult tasks. This will allow us to appreciate the little things on life. Guide us when we...

Sunday Prayer: Rejoice

  Dear Lord, This Sunday, let us offer up our voices in praise and glory in Your name. Please allow your spiritual lessons guide us, each and every day. Remind us Lord, that everyday is a day worth rejoicing and praising your name. All things are possible though...

Sunday Prayer: Family

Dear Lord, Thank you for our relationships with our families. Thank you for having them in our lives and blessing is each and every day. We know that there maybe times when families can be trying, but at the end of the day they are all that we have. Without families,...

Sunday Prayer: Perseverance

Dear Lord, We are very aware of the challenges that lay ahead of us each and every day. Please grant us the grace to get through the challenges and difficulties. Help us keep our heads high, and focused to finish what we start. Even when things seem impossible, we...

Sunday Prayer: Routine

Dear Lord, Thank you for the blessed mornings and sacred nights. Just knowing that there are some things that we can look forward to in the morning is more than enough to make anyone’s day. Lord, it is in these routines that we feel the most at ease and in our...

Sunday Prayer: Celebration

Dear Lord, Thank you for allowing us to see another year of joyous occasions. Be it Birthday, Holidays, or Anniversaries, we are fortunate to experience them once again. Lord, we know that these celebrations can be costly, but we know that the cost is well worth it...