Book Review: Hostile Witness

Book Review: Hostile Witness

    This review has been a long time coming.  I’ve started reading Hostile Witness by Gary Mitchuta a while ago.  I actually had to read it twice–once on my Kindle and finally I gave up bought a paperback.  This is why I have...
4 Spiritual Reading Mistakes

4 Spiritual Reading Mistakes

  I’ve done my kind of spiritual reading mistakes. I love reading and I love reading for growth, but I’ve relied too much on my memory and honestly–after I finish the book, I tend to forget what has helped me reflect as I was reading it. Now,...

The Four Last Things: Fearing Death

While I was reading my book (The Four Last Things), it dawned on me that I should share my meditations and thoughts with you as I read it. Afterall, how many of you will willingly pick up a book about death, dying, judgement, Heaven and Hell? Sharing these meditations...
How To Read The Bible In One Year Review

How To Read The Bible In One Year Review

  It’s been a while since I posted anything here.  Life has been busy with a newborn, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. One plan that I made for the New Year, is to read the Bible cover to cover.  Actually, I had already started this...