What to do now?

It’s the question on everyone’s mind that I know who have been flooded out.

What should I do?

We all know what has to be done, call insurance companies and pray that everything is on the up and up. But what about everything else?

In the case of my grandmother (who decided to stay), my husband and I did out best to make sure she can ride out the rough part of not having any power. We brought her food and everything else that se would need.

I’m happy that she now has power, but I know that the next thing to do is restock her fridge.

While its a daunting task, I know in that regard my grandmother did better than most in Southern Brooklyn. Some went without food and water. Some didn’t have family to make sure they were going to be well fed and cared for. For others, they didn’t have anywhere to evacuate to.

For instance my mother’s neighbor’s daughter didn’t have any back up family members she could ride the storm out with. Everyone she knew was flooded out. She has two kids and one is under one. What is a person in that situation to do? Her family of four sleeps in the car.

Everyday I look at the news reports of what is going on. If FEMA is handing out food in my mom’s neighborhood. Do people know where to get it.

All these things pass in my mind.

In my small one bedroom apartment, we are doing what we can. We opened our door to my family, so my mom and brother will be staying with us.

It’s not easy living in such tight quarters with a total of 4 adults and one child. We won’t even mention the dog.

But, you make a way out of no way. You make room and really see what can be moved, thrown out, given away to make two people feel like they are at home, even if they can’t go back to theirs.

In my home, there is no use in complaining. I don’t allow any of that. In my mind it could always be worse. Things could have taken a different route. A direction that I don’t even want to utter.

Even through the dark, there will be light.
