

A few days ago, my husband and I were discussing the goals that most people strive for. We know already that most people strive for wealth, power, and fame. These usually go hand in hand as a person pursues what they feel is the most important to them.

But  if I had to share one question that I shared with my husband: Who do think is the happiest person in the world: the richest person, or a Brother or Sister?

My argument went like this: the Brother or Sister has to ask for permission, to do something, or if they need something. They do not have anything in their name, and many times they live very humble lives. In many cases, a life of service.

On the other hand, the richest person has everything their heart desires. They have all the money to buy anything they want, and if they have a need, it’s taken care of right away. They want for nothing, and ordinary people tend to think that wealth means importance.

Yet, if you look deep down past the surface, you find that the richest person in the world are not the  happiest. They may not want for anything physical, but they are still in need of something—of some One. They can have anything, yet it’s not enough. At times, some are bitter, or a little out of touch with ordinary people.

However, the Sisters and Brothers that I have met in my life, have this joy and peace around them that you wish you can just put in a bottle. They may not have everything they want but they have everything they need. That is what makes them happy. They found what their heart is searching for (God) and their heart is resting on Him.

We have to take a careful examination of our lives. We have to find out if we are content with what we have, or if our hearts are still searching.

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Matthew 6:21)

If our heart is where our treasure is, and if our focus is on the riches and fame of this world, then where is the room for God in our lives? Where is the room for our families?

In Matthew 19: 16-26 we heard another story of a rich young man who wanted to know what good he has to do to get to heaven. First Jesus tells him to keep the commandment, to which the young man replied that he does. Then Jesus instructs him to go and sell all of his things, and follow Him. To which the man grieved and walked away.

We can read this story and say, “Yea, of course I would drop everything and follow Jesus.” Looking from an outside perspective it’s so easy to say that, like it’s easy being a backseat driver. The reality of it is much different.

Our heart’s treasure can lie with anything: our gadgets, our hobbies, or anything we pour as much, or putting more effort into into things  than growing our relationship with God. When we look to this world to make us happy, we will only find sadness and grief, but if we direct our eyes heavenward, there is much joy that will shine in our lives.

From my experience, those who chose God first in their lives found that joy we are all striving for. Yes, we still have to worry about finances and bills, but putting God first in our lives, we trust that he is going to take care of all things, and lead us in the right direction.

Back to you: where is your heart?  Are you focused heavenward?  Do you find that your heart is still searching for something?
