

Have you turned on the news lately, and felt like there was just no peace?  I’ve heard through the inter web that it looks like we’re headed (or in) World War III.  Now, that could be an ever exaggeration–to us.  However, I cannot imagine what it’s like for people to live in conflict areas.  To them, this is no imagination at all. 

What we can gather, is that there is a lack of peace in our world.  In the United States, we have unrest and protests.  Meanwhile, in Syria and Iraq we have militant forces destroying the quality of life.  Finally, the conflict of Israel and the Gaza Strip, we have two groups constantly fighting and shelling out rockets in each other’s direction.

Now, every nation is going to have their own problems–we get that.  But there is something to note when so much is happening around us  that it will affect the locations that we go, or even what words to say.  

No wonder someone can feel like it’s a global war happening!  This Sunday, I hope that you join me in my prayer for peace. It is obvious that we as a Nation, as a Society, and as members of this world in this very moment need it.



Dear Lord,

There has been so much going on in the news lately.  Locally and internationally, that it leaves many of us confused, some angry and others bitter.  We ask Lord that you send down your Holy Spirit and touch people’s hearts and minds so that there will be peace among each other.

We pray for peace for the families that have to lay to rest their loved ones both in this country and in foreign lands.  If peace cannot be obtained, for we know that mankind is stubborn, then please grant us the spirit of knowledge and wisdom so that we can make sense of these times.



This post was originally published on Aug 14, 2014.  Minor edits.  Prayer picture added.

Note: Even though I posted this two years ago, not much has changed in the world.  The world is still in major conflict.  Let us raise our voices to God to heal all the broken nations–including our own.
