Lenten Season Begins

Lenten Season Begins

  In a few days from writing this post we will be in the Lenten season.  This year is very interesting though, since it also falls on Valentine’s Day.  Like usual, I’m trying to think of something I want to focus on during the season of Lent....
Like Everyone Else

Like Everyone Else

Last Sunday was the first day of Advent.  Advent is a time for waiting, and preparation for Chirst who is to come again. As we prepare our home for Him, I cannot help but think about the world, and how everyone else will be celebrating this season.  Even...

New or Traditional Rosary

 Recently, I’ve come across a talk that talked about the Rosary. Now, I love praying my Rosary, and I do wish I could be more consistent and not miss any days, but overall, I make a sincere effort.When praying the Rosary, I always thought that we’re 4...

5 Reasons Why I Love My Catholic Faith

  This blog hop, we are to takalk about why We love our faith. Well it’s the One True Faith! There I’m done. Okay, I’ll go into more detail.  Its hard to narrow down my love for my Catholic faith, but here I will give you 5 reasons why I love...

Resting My Heart In God

This post is part of the Catholic Women Bloggers Network Blog Hop, hosted by Reconciled To You.  To read more stories from other bloggers about this topic, click here.   If a single word could describe me, it would be worrier.  I’ve had...
There Are No Shortcuts

There Are No Shortcuts

  The other day, I was searching, for a solution.  I was on website after website on how to clean the oven.  Yes, my brand new oven that had baked on grease stains from me failing to clean it up sooner.  I searched for days, honestly looking for the perfect easy...