

Dear Lord,

Why didn’t any one say that being a parent is about sacrifice?  I did understand my parents growing up, but now they makes perfect sense.

Like them, I will give the shirt off my back just to keep my daughter warm while we walk three blocks to get home.

I will carry her while her sleeping body can continue to rest and grow while I face the elements for us both.

Regardless of what I will do for and how far I will go (to the ends of the earth to protect my girl), no one ever mentioned that it is something that I will WANT to do verses HAVE  to do.

I can’t imagine the love you had for us when you sent down your only Son.

So Lord, I want to thank you for always being the inspiring parent for us.  To teach us and show us leadership when we have doubt or question our methods.

Thank you for showing us that there is more than one way to get our point across, and with different people, it will take different methods.

Thank you for being the leader of patience, and showing us how we need to just give things time before we react.

Just thank you.

