

I have been putting off this post for the longest, but I just have to share with you one of my favorite film composers.

You may have heard of Hans Zimmer before when it comes to epic movies, but if you haven’t, then maybe these movies sound familiar to you:

The Lion King

The Last Samurai

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest

 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End


Crimson Tide

Driving Miss Daisy

The Prince of Egypt

Honestly, the list goes on and on.  It’s no wonder that most of my favorite movies (all which are on this list) are all the movies that I love and own the soundtracks to.

Most of the time, film composers don’t get a lot of love, but he has done such a great job making these movies memorable.  So memorable that if we hear any one of these songs anywhere else, we can already associate the movie that it originally came from.

On this Wednesday, I’m going to share with a few of my favorite tracks from some of these movies.  I love the journey that the music takes you on as it progresses.

Such as in the Last Samurai, I can picture green mountains, with flowing water, harsh yet peaceful.  In Crimson Tide, I feel like I am on a boat riding over breaking waves.  What about you?

A Way of Life, The Last Samurai

Roll Tide, Crimson Tide



Do you have a favorite film composer?  Are any of these movies your favorites?


Wonderful Wednesday
