Coney Island in Winter

This photo was taken with my iPhone (had to share that tidbit 🙂 )

I was inspired by an artist (forgive me, I did forget his name) who took a picture of a park bench at night. When I went to the beach, I saw these benches and I was intrigued by the repeating circle pattern.  This reminds me of life and how we pass one phase after another.  How we always seem to run past one phase not realizing that there will be another one right behind it.  Instead, we should slow down and enjoy the different phases we go through.


Season of Lent begins this Wednesday starting with Ash Wednesday, and in my home that means a lot of preparation! We not only have to get our home prepared, but we try to prepare our hearts as well.

Every year my family focuses on what it is we want to give up. Or in this case, what we should give up, but we haven’t tried anything as a family unit yet.

I’m hoping this year to change that. I would love to have my family do something together this Lenten season, even while we (Mr C and I) focus on our individual fast.

We have tried in the past to do something together but it always ended up with me doing it and Mr C forgetting hahaha (story of my life).

This year is not so much about a sacrifice–at least that is how I see it. This year Lent for me for me is about merging my spiritual side closer to my physical side. Sounds weird but I find myself drifting away from things that I used to like towards things that I never dreamed of loving.

On the flip side, I find that my interests are changing and shifting and I’m excited and scared at the same time. While I am not a person who defines myself by what I do, but by who I am; however, if the “who” part changes (because let’s be honest, our interests does have an effect on us) then I’m curious to know what does that mean exactly.

Wherever this leads me, I’m happy that I had a few days to meditate and just be offline to think. If I’m not mistaken, I believe my task for this Lenten season has already been picked for me.

Dear Lord,

As we prepare for this Lent season, help us listen to our spiritual self more. Help us to open our eyes and embrace all of You and to allow the changes that are to come in our lives.


