So…Mr. C and I have been talking about getting something new for LittleZ. You see, when your in the home of an older sister, you sometimes are surrounded by girl toys…a a lot. So we wanted to get something special for him.


This special gift had special requirements. we didn’t want batteries for it, and we wanted to make sure that he couldn’t choke on it if it broke.


We wanted an action figure in all of it’s action-ness (yes, I just made that word up) and we wanted something that he could love. Of course it had to be Red.


Of course I don’t know what this is other than a Power Ranger (as I do not watch the shows, but I suspect that will change down the line). But it fit all of our requirements, and then some.


But maybe I took myself too serious….


…As this action figure is taller than Little Z and almost half the height of Zee. Yeah..maybe I took myself seriously serious.

*shrugs* Live and learn. Right?
