In January I’ve decided to knit a cardigan for my daughter. I’ve calculated the amount of yarn I was going to need (size 10/12 girls), and picked out the “perfect” yarn. It was a straightforward pattern with a stitch pattern from the Japanese Stitch Bible.

I’ve bought this book with the sole intention to knit intricate cables and lace. But since I’ve only been knitting for 2 years, I’ve decided to pick something “easy.”

There were many things that set me back from this project. The first and major one (although very happy one), is that I had just found out I was expecting my fourth (due September). For the longest, I couldn’t even look at the project because of the concentration that it required.

Between pregnancy, homeschooling two kids and taking care of a toddler, my brain was fried! I was so so thankful when the second trimester started cause that is where the energy picked up and I finished the project.

red heart pink ombre cartigan


This has to be my most complicated pattern to date, but I won’t lie and say it was easy! Just a simple conversation would throw me off, and I would have to undo the row that I just worked.

So, this wasn’t a mindless knit at all–at least not for a pregnant mama.

Another issue that I encountered, because of my bright idea of yarn choice, was to use Ombré self dyed yarn for this project.

After I finished this panel, it then occurred to me that I have to make the front as similar as possible and the sleeves too.

red heart ombre pink cardigan

Again, because it was a cardigan (did I mention it was my first), and I used ombré yarn, working two separate panels for the front would not have looked correct. So instead (for the first time), I decided to cut my knitting in half by steeking it.

red heart ombre pink cardigan

Yeah, I’ve learned that acrylic is a very slippery yarn and a crochet steek was not going to work. So, I decided to sew it (by hand), to secure the stitches.

Since this was my first time cutting my knitting, I wanted to be extra careful and sure that I know what I’m sewing and what I was cutting.

red heart ombre pink cardigan

Steeking for the first time was both worrying and exciting at the same time. I’ve practiced so many times on swatches and different techniques, that finally I was confident enough to do it.

I’ve also learned how to pick up stitches for the collar and button band and how to make button holes.

red heart ombre pink cardigan

The last stage (which again slowed me down) was finding the right buttons to go with this project.

When everything was completed, my daughter loved it and it became her go-to item to take with her when we head out.

This was an item of love, but it was well worth it for her.

red heart ombre pink cardigan

The next project is to complete a project for the baby before he’s born!
