I can’t believe that this blog has been with me for a long time. I remember when I first started this blog, I wanted to just write about my journey through motherhood. The ups and downs as a new mother and just connect with other people. I’m very thankful that I did. I got a glimpse of other people and what they were doing at the same stage in life as me. This experience I would always be thankful for.
Time had gone on, and my oldest is getting older and I now have four children. I’m no longer a beginner in this parenting gig, and I’m pretty confident with what I am doing. Years ago, I started homeschooling, and I’m still in it. I admit there are days where I want to quit, but I remember that this path is not going to be easy. I am a housewife, and although I thought about everything else I could be, I wouldn’t change what I have done with my life thus far.
I’ve gone though moves, losses, medical scares (both mine and a loved one), and finally I stand where I am today. I can honestly say what I like, and don’t. I’m not afraid to walk on a path alone, and honestly, on so many levels, I prefer it. Years have passed, and finally I’m able to tend to the things that I need to. Problems and adversities shape and grow us, and I again, I’m thankful for what I’ve gone through.
I’ve gone through the social media phase, where I was all over the net trying to gather followers–because that’s what you did. Eventually I had to grasp with the idea of why. If one person reads my thoughts, I’m okay, if not one reads my thoughts, then I’m still okay. I’ve learned that I just like to blog and share my thoughts with people who may or may not have deep thoughts too. I like to think that there are days where deep thoughts have no where to go but out.
So, now I’m in my 40’s, and no longer in my 20s. I’m no longer unsure of what I am, and who I am. Honestly, getting to this point is so freeing. I would like to focus on my current journey. Patience is what I asked for in the past, and now I’m fully in love with the process and not just the outcome. I’m no longer concerned about the hustle and bustle of a busy life, I like it slow, neutral in color and full of laughs.
I won’t promise consistency when blogging, because honestly, I’m really not tethered to it. I enjoy it, because its a hobby–ultimately, its a running dialogue for my kids to hopefully see in the future. What does this mean for this blog in the future? It means just what it does, I’m writing because I want to, not because I’m expecting anything else out of it.
If you chose to follow me, then welcome on this journey in my 40s. If you want to get off this train, then I wish you a good life and a safe trip. Either way, I have thoughts I want to share, and I’m going to share them.
Until next time.