A New Direction

Image by Steffen Wachsmuth from Pixabay I can’t believe that this blog has been with me for a long time. I remember when I first started this blog, I wanted to just write about my journey through motherhood. The ups and downs as a new mother and just connect...
The Importance of Hobbies

The Importance of Hobbies

I can remember fond memories of my father who would say, “Go find something to do,” when I would say that I was bored. That was the perfect opportunity to go and find something that I actually liked to do.  As I got older though, it was harder and...
Updates and Random Things…

Updates and Random Things…

Despite that I haven’t written on my blog in months, (I hope) is not a sign to what readers I have left that I have abandoned it.  Actually, me writing down  my thoughts on different things has been in the front of my mind for the longest.  ...
Sunday Prayer: Hope

Sunday Prayer: Hope

Dear Lord, Thank You for hope. Not just for things that are to come, but for the expectation that something–anything is coming our way. Sometimes, we take advantage of what we have around us, and we become complacent. It’s not until we take a good look at...
First Snow of the Year

First Snow of the Year

What an early surprise for us! For the first time that I can remember (that is since I really started paying attention to the weather) we had snow in early this year. It was a huge surprise to see this much snow so early in the fall. Usually snow comes to us in maybe...
Changing Directions for a Blog

Changing Directions for a Blog

I’ve debated for a while if I should still write on my blog. I’ve wrestled with the idea of quitting, or just changing directions.   Funny, I’m still at the same place (nursing-or breastfeeding) nine years later, but mentally, I’m in a...