Sunday Prayer: Love Thy Neighbor

  Dear Lord, In passages, you have taught us that we must love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Not only have You taught this through words Lord, but have shown us through the actions of Your only Son. Thank you Lord for the shining example that you have given...

Silencing The Worst Critic

  Throughout this year, I have been pretty hard on myself. Always telling myself what I should be doing. How I should be doing it, and never really taking into the account of the limitations that are temporarily set up on.  It turns out that we are our own worts...

9/11 Never Forget

  Every generation has a date in history that they will never forget.  For two generations before us it was Dec. 7th, for our generation, it is Sept. 11, 2001.  It doesn’t matter how many years have passed, it is the same for most of us.  We remember, we...

Sunday Prayer: Guidance

    Dear Lord, Too many days, we wonder about aimlessly, and lost looking for guidance. Thank you for being our Shepherd. We know that with your love, and over seeing our actions, we will be steered to the right path. Even though there may be times when we...

Life Is Discpline

A blank statement at best, but for me these simple words are the key to who we are. Throughout our lives, we go through series of stages, we walk away from some events with no marks, and sometimes we walk away with a battle scar. But none the less, we go through them,...