Sunday’s Prayer: Serenity

Sunday’s Prayer: Serenity

This week, this prayer just came to me while I was nursing my daughter, and as cliche as it could be, I felt it was fitting due to the week that I had. Serenity Prayer God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can;...

Walking Away From Negative People

Three years ago, I was a different person. I wasn’t as kind, open-minded as I am now. When I worked, that was exactly what I did.  I lived to work, and worked to live.  There was no balance of work and home life.  Work managed to infiltrate every corner of my...
Sunday’s Prayer: Serenity

Sunday Prayer: Showing Us The Signs

Dear Lord, I think it’s safe to say this now, but HA! HA! The joke’s on me. This past week, you have shown more humor than man gives you credit for. This week, you have taught me a powerful lesson; how not to be comfortable. But really Lord?  Did you have...

Season of Lent: Appreciation for Life

This is the fifth post of my Lent Series, here is the first post Lent is the Beginning of Change. It is amazing that these days that bad news sells so much faster than good news. Negativity travels far and reaches so many before positive influences can take place. We...

Season of Lent: Acceptance of Self

This is the fourth post of my Lent Series, here is the first post Lent is the Beginning of Change. For 18 years of my life, I was overweight; and that is saying it nicely. I always tried to convince myself that once when I lose the weight, I’ll be happier. I...

Season of Lent: Spiritual Renew

This is the third post of my Lent Series, here is the first post Lent is the Beginning of Change. Every wonder why when winter ends and spring is about to begin, we have this urge to purge everything useless out of our lives and start again fresh? This sudden urge...