I’m going to cheat just a bit this week for Life Through My Lens. You see, I had these pictures that I was going to share with you earlier (like a previous Life Through My Lens post) but I never got around to doing it.

I’m going to say that these still count. 🙂


I’ll be honest here, I was never a girly girl growing up. I wasn’t into jewelry, dolls and all those things girls played with.

As I became older, I’ve grown interested in these things, but I don’t throw a fit if I walk to the store without makeup on.

So looking at Zee and I can see that she is truly a girl’s girl. A Mama’s girl.


But I don’t let these things fool me, she’ll rough house with the best of them. She would just make sure her jewelry matches before she wrestles.

Between these two kids, my hands are full.

Are your kids rough when they play with their siblings / friends? If you have girls, do they like to wrestle as well?
