Believing in Trust

I came across a quote that said: At first, I dismissed it, thinking it was just like every other quote that you come across. But it just kept popping back in my head. How many times do we ponder about what the next step?  Sometimes, we even pray about the issues that...

Sunday Prayer: Routine

Dear Lord, Thank you for the blessed mornings and sacred nights. Just knowing that there are some things that we can look forward to in the morning is more than enough to make anyone’s day. Lord, it is in these routines that we feel the most at ease and in our...

Sunday Prayer: Celebration

Dear Lord, Thank you for allowing us to see another year of joyous occasions. Be it Birthday, Holidays, or Anniversaries, we are fortunate to experience them once again. Lord, we know that these celebrations can be costly, but we know that the cost is well worth it...

One Word February Update

  Did you know…usually by the time Valentine’s Day come, people who made resolutions would either break them or forget them. If you haven’t–consider yourself fortunate. We are almost to the end of the month and I wanted to keep track of my...

Sunday Prayer: Goals and Achievements

Dear Lord, Every now and then we set standards for ourselves. Be it weight loss, writing, spending time with family or even earning more money. But we know, Lord, that any gains in our goals that we have made is because it has been your will. Lord, help us remember...

Ash Wednesday 2013

Ash Wednesday for me was something that I just did because well…I had to.  I went to a Catholic school for all of my elementary and junior high years, so it was something that I just grew up with. While I am still a practicing Catholic, Ash Wednesday has taken...

Sunday Prayer: Traditions

  Dear Lord, We would like to thank you for our family traditions. While things can get crazy in this world, it is the traditions of our families that keeps us grounded and connected through the generations. Even if we are missing members in our families, we know...

Sunday Prayer: Journey

Dear Lord, We have been through a lot together. There have been times when I have have doubted my path, but you have always been there to reassure me. No matter how much I can grow as a person, You, I can never out grow. Thank you for holding my hand during hard...