Saturday Ramblings: Silence

  Summer has this wonderful relaxing feel to it. You don’t really have to worry as much, or feel like you have to work twice as hard, because you know you have plenty of time. That’s where I’ve been lately. In my home, we have had at least 3...

Sunday Prayer: Prayer

Dear Lord, As we now our heads and pray for your blessing, please be with us. We know that You have taught us how to pray, and somehow the words just seem to flow. Remind us that the longest prayer may not always be better and that Your ears are on us no matter the...

Forgotten Beauty

{Source}   I’ve passed this building at least a hundred times.  Always looking up, and wondering, “What’s inside?” There are a lot of buildings like that here in Coney Island.  There is a vibrant history that is dormant, and hidden behind...

Sunday Prayer: Reprieve from the Heat

Dear Lord, We thank you for everything that you have done and everything that you have made. Nothing you have made has even been made in vain, or in anger. For the past few weeks Lord, we have been under enormous heat. This weather is excellent for drying clothes and...

Sunday Prayer: Silent Justice

Dear Lord, There are many who have gone before us in unnatural ways.  Even though that the person who did them harm did not face repercussions for their actions, we know Lord there is really only one justice. Lord, we know that no man on earth can escape the sins that...

Sunday Prayer: New Challenges

  Dear Lord, We know that all things are possible with your help, and our faith in your help. We ask you Lord, once again, to bestow upon us your wisdom as we face new challenges that are coming in the next few months. Some of us Lord, are letting go our...

Independence Day

This Thursday, we will be celebrating American’s Independence Day. 4th of July. While it is a great day for celebration, it is also a day of remembrance for me. I’ve written about the War On Drugs, and Stop and Frisk, but on Independence Day, topic like...

Sunday Prayer: Storms

    Dear Lord, As we bow our heads and pray for your blessing–let us not forget that there will be storms in our path. Just like storms in the weather, they will come and go, and we will get through them. Please remind us that there is indeed a sun...

Building Positive Memories

  A few weeks ago, I wrote about to putting our best foot forward, but somehow I could not stop thinking about how I wanted to be remembered. On my way to church, I kept saying to myself, if this is my last day, how would others remember me?  My children?  My...

Sunday Prayer: Elation

Dear Lord, Thank you for the smallest things that can really make our day. It could be the ability to drink a cup of tea for five minutes while we unwind. But however we spend that time Lord, we know you have allowed it and you are with us. Thank you for the small...